BRUNA SORDI born in Spresiano where she lives and has her studio.
She finds ART in 2002, when, by chance, she attends a course of painting and drawing. From those days, she met and followed several local painters and, attracted by color she didn’t leave pencils and brushes ever again.
She needs brushes and paddles, that she moves nimbly using acrylic colors and other materials to obtain the requested result. Her neverending shades of color design landscapes directly from her soul.
She uses oil colors but also other materials, studying very creative compositions. She loves colors and uses materials with strong emotive tension which is fundamental to create these landscapes.
She joined some local groups of painters (Artisti Spresianesi and Artisti Trevigiani). She attended some collective exhibits and several national contests where she got compliments and approvals for her spontaneous and personal interpretation of colors.
2010 Casa dei Mezzadri, Ponzano - collective exhibit
2011 4th Cimadolmo Art contest , Cimadolmo - collective exhibit
2012 Chiesetta dei Giuseppini, Spresiano - collective exhibit
2013 Museo Nazionale di Villa Pisani, Strà - collective exhibit
5th Cimadolmo Art contest, Cimadolmo - national contest
Premio Gambino, Preganziol - national contest
2014 Salone U.V.A. , Paris - collective exhibit - Technical Award
Accademia Europea delle Arti Archivio di Stato, Treviso - collective exhibit
Comune di Agna - national contest - marked with “Pennello d’argento” award
Comune di Cordignano - national contest - notified by commission
Chiesette dei Giuseppini , Spresiano - collective exhibit
POPOLART/Immagine, Spresiano - personal exhibit
2015 Salone U.V.A., St. Pierre de Montmartre Paris- collective exhibit
Accademia Europea Delle Arti, Museo Santa Caterina, Treviso- collective exhibit
Chiesetta dei Giuseppini Spresiano – personal exhibit
Cenacoli d’arte Associazione Tant’arte Scorzè e Mirano - collective exhibit
Comune di Agna - collective exhibit
5th Contemporary Art Exhibition, Ca’ dei Carraresi, Treviso - collective exhibit
Chiesetta ex Patronato Spresiano - collective exhibit
Concorso Premio Gambino - national contest
Ca’ dei Carraresi, Treviso – personal exhibit
2016 Arte in Fiera Dolomiti – personal exhibit
Chiesetta dei Giuseppini Spresiano - collective exhibit
“DIALOGHI” Tant’arte, Chiostro Umberto I , Treviso - collective exhibit
Arte in Fiera Dolomiti – Calendario Galleria Web Art - collective exhibit
2017 Arte in Fiera Dolomiti – personal exhibit
Accademia Europea Arte “Villa Cedri” Valdobbiadene - collective exhibit
Kundsthaus WEIZ (A) - collective exhibit
Saloni Regionali Friuli V.G. e Veneto p/o Lega Navale Italiana TRIESTE - collective exhibit - one work selected by LYNX 2017
WebArt Gallery in Treviso - collective exhibit
7th Contemporary Art Exhibition, Ca’ dei Carraresi, Treviso - collective exhibit
Critical review
Bruna Sordi bore as a natural landscape painter focused on her territory, Treviso province, near Venice. From the beginning she showed impatience for the figurative art and pushed herself to find the elements needed to create an evocative lyric abstraction.
Sustained by a strong desire of raising the image, in these last years Bruna tracks the path to go beyond the traditional concept of landscape to embrace a new materic personal creation. From Ciardi’s tradition of 1800, the artist went through ‘900 sperimentation’s maze to achieve her poetical dimension: creating an elegiac narration through images. This story creates silent images, whose contents slightly emerge the visitors’ awareness through the title or a small text. From the shapeless chaos, due to the manipulation of materials, Bruna pushes us to find a real landscape, even if it is difficult to identify it in its original geographical belonging.
Nevertheless, we always recognize a well-known shape, from a scraped wall to an underwater landscape. Bruna never forgot the reality, never lost herself in her own conscience’s maze and she keep her feet on the ground through the materiality of what she saw and, pictorially, gave back. The original elements of her pictorial technique can be mainly seen in her desire of mixing up materials when she spreads and combines them on canvas. So the easily describable shapes like “Fiori di barena”, “Prati Fioriti” and “Campagna trevigiana”, little by little lose their boundaries to gain an all-around dimension.
From details to the overall, branches, flowers, farmed lands and rushes becomes red expanses, “Frammenti d’acqua” (Fragments of Water) and “Frammenti di vita” (Fragments of Life). This abstracting action brings a strong psychological dimension, since Bruna’s intention is to built non-impressionist images. Her aim is finding a pictorial dimension to represent what is beyond the mere perception of objective reality to give us back a subjective vision of nature.
All her canvas keep the artist’s vision intact, her eye looks at the reality after studying and interiorizing it for long. It’s easy to identify yourself with this individual dimension, even if it’s subjective and particularistic, and for this reason it becomes universal. The “Frammenti di bosco” (Fragments of Woods) or, in general, “Frammenti di natura” (Fragments of Nature) belong to any geographical site and allow us to overwrite them with our own impressions, in a neverending back and forth of memories.
From a professional growth point of view, Bruna started a precise path of poetic construction of landscapes, leaving out the excess and unnecessary as well as mere decorative elements to achieve the creation of her own abstract style that allows her to stand out and create always new iconographies.
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